Long code rouge. Voici de quoi nous faire pardonner...
report | Material Matters: the new world of novel substances
— the report — Dear readers, Today’s novel materials are crafted in modern
labs, with innovations in molecule-level engineering. As our knowledge of
>Le Q.I. de 132 trace la frontière arbitraire donnant accès à Mensa.
RépondreSupprimerCette frontière particulièrement démagogique est-elle une proposition de nivellement par le bas ou oblige-t-elle à l'humilité d'une courbette à l'entrée ?
Intéressant! Notez que la "renversement de la logique" du beau s'applique aussi au "bon" moral, i.e. au bien.
RépondreSupprimer"We get the notion of something being objectively good, or having intrinsic value, by reversing the direction of dependence here, by making the desire depend upon the goodness, instead of the goodness on the desire. And this is aided by the fact that the desired thing will indeed have features that make it desired, that enable it to arouse a desire or that make it such as to satisfy some desire that is already there. It is fairly easy to confuse the way in which a thing's desirability is indeed objective with its having in our sense objective value. The fact that the word "good" serves as one of our main moral terms is a trace of this pattern of objectification" ("Ethics", J.L.Mackie, Penguin books, 1977, p.43)
PS: C'était pas mal, ce site. Dommage qu'il soit moribond.